Digital Accessibility Statement

The Bundeswehr strives to make its web presence accessible to everyone.

The Bundeswehr’s accessibility statement

The Federal Ministry of Defence (FMoD) is committed to making its web presence accessible in accordance with the national legislation transposing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The technical requirements for accessibility are derived from the Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology 2.0 (BITV 2.0).

This Accessibility Statement applies to the content offered in the Bundeswehr’s web presence.

When was the Digital Accessibility Statement drawn up?

This statement was drawn up and last revised on 27 July 2023.

Digital accessibility was reviewed in the context of its technical implementation by the Bundeswehr’s IT service provider BWI GmbH.

How accessible is this web presence?

This web presence are partially accessible. The requirements of the Ordinance on Accessible Information Technology (BITV  2.0) are partially fulfilled.

Which parts of the website are not accessible?

  1. Barrier: control elements without alternative text
    Description: alternative text is not displayed where the text box is too small.
  2. Barrier: audio files without alternatives
    Description: alternatives for audio files and silent videos convey only a small part of the content.
  3. Barrier: videos without subtitles
    Description: videos with sound do not have the necessary subtitles.
  4. Barrier: videos without audio description and/or a full text alternative
    Description: videos containing image-centric segments necessitate an alternative to the images because the sound is not enough to allow full comprehension.
  5. Barrier: not all PDF documents are accessible.
    Description: newly uploaded PDF documents should be prepared to be accessible, and older ones should be replaced with an accessible version.
  6. Barrier: content structure
    Description: incorrect formatting of text can have a negative impact on reading fluency.
  7. Barrier: words and sections in other languages not marked up in some cases.
    Description: English words are not marked up with the “lang” attribute in some cases.
  8. Barrier: in some cases, the syntax of the HTML markup is incorrect.
    Description: the syntax contains several errors, e. g. attributes are used incorrectly, HTML elements are nested incorrectly, and external services included in the website cause errors in the source code.

Plans are currently underway to eliminate these known problems. As soon as planning is complete, the plans will be published on this site.

Who is the point of contact for comments or questions about digital accessibility?

Have you noticed problems with the accessibility of content on Feel free to contact us.

Contacting the Arbitration Service

If you believe that you are being put at a disadvantage because does not have a sufficiently accessible design, you can contact the Arbitration Service according to the German Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (BGG).

Arbitration Service according to the German Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities
Federal Government Commissioner for Matters relating to Persons with Disabilities
Mauerstraße 53
10117 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 18 527-2805